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Celebrating 20 Million Views on YouTube!!!

First off, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! When I uploaded my first YouTube video years ago, I never thought it would turn into what it has. I'm thrilled to have reached 20,000 subscribers, and 20 Million views across multiple channels!

Initially, I posted videos because it was fun to receive feedback and see what people thought of my little bass experiments (electronica bass, morse code alphabet, bass sweeps, etc...). Now I have grown to love the relationships and support I've been given by my fellow bassists, artists, and fans. I've met many of you in person and have spoken with tons through social media, and I'm so grateful for your feedback, support, and friendships. I'm privileged to be an inspiration to your musicianship, and I look forward to meeting many more of you in person as opportunity allows. Much love and God Bless, Nathan Navarro

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